
Â鶹ÊÓƵ is fortunate to have generous alumni and friends who have expressed their commitment to our students through the establishment of scholarships.  The following endowed scholarships are a reflection of that generosity:


Marilyn and Gilbert Adams, Jr. Scholarship Deborah Lynn Adams Memorial Scholarship in Women's Golf
Mrs. Gilbert T. Adams, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Gilbert T. Adams Sr., Presidential Scholarship
John Aiena/PDG Chemical, Inc. Endowed Scholarship Charles V. and Frances W. Alberto Scholarship
Mike and Pat Aldredge Athletic Scholarship Mike and Pat Aldredge Mirabeau Scholarship
Patricia & Michael E. Aldredge Presidential Scholarship Zeila Alexander Memorial Scholarship in Art
Joshua Allen Scholarship in Criminal Justice Bruce Allred Memorial Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Alpha Tau Omega Alumni Association Memorial Scholarship Shanna B. and Robert L. Alspaugh Regents Scholarship for Pre-Veterinary Studies
American Real Estate Endowed Scholarship Jerry L. Amos Endowed Scholarship in Marketing
Dr. Adrian N. Anderson Scholarship in History Eve Anderson Memorial CASA Scholarship
Virginia Anderson Presidential Scholarship in Nutrition, Hospitality and Human Services Frank Belmont Anselin Memorial Scholarship
O. B. and Della Archer Memorial Scholarship Gene and Elizabeth Arnold Innovation Fund in Audiology
Gene and Elizabeth Arnold Innovation Fund in Business Vernon Ray and Grace Sparks Asbury Scholarship in Elementary Education
Associated General Contractors of Jefferson County Scholarship Dr. Kendrick Aung Memorial Scholarship and Design Award in Mechanical Engineering
Frank and Mary Axtell Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering


Joseph Adam Baj II Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics Diane Baker Scholarship in Music
Dr. Harold T. Baker Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry Dr. Mary Alice Baker Family Scholarship in Communication
Band Scholarship Fund Bankers' Financial Education Scholarship in Finance
Stella B. and John O. Banks Memorial Scholarship In Music BASF Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Benny Jo Monlezun Bates Memorial Scholarship in Dance Sam and Susan Bathla Scholarship Fund
Gordon Baxter Scholarship Jack Baxter Tire Company Endowed Scholarship
Cynthia Kay Womack Bayliss Memorial Scholarship Dr. Luther A. Beale Memorial Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Amie Lynn Bean Memorial Scholarship Dr. Wendell Bean Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
Lisa Renee Ligda Beaulieu Memorial Scholarship in Criminal Justice Beaumont Bone and Joint Dr. James Shuffield Scholarship in Athletic Training
Beaumont Music Commission Scholarship in Music Beaumont Music Commission Scholarship in Honor of Charlene Kiker
David J. Beck Fellowship David J. Beck Scholarship in Political Science
Alzena and Bernard Bell Memorial Scholarship Bernice and Harry Bell Memorial Scholarship
Mary Katherine Bell Regents Scholarship in Education Mary Katherine Bell Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
Milton Bell/Babe Didrikson Zaharias Scholarship in Athletics Dr. Myrtle L. Bell Award in Psychology
Claudia N. Bellah Scholarship Charlsie E. Berly Endowed Scholarship in English
Charlsie E. Berly Endowed Scholarship in History David Bernsen Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Better Business Bureau of Southeast Texas Scholarship Jack & Bertha Binks Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Donna Birdwell Honors Scholarship William M. Birdwell, Jr. and Sr. Endowed Scholarship in Environmental Studies
E. B. Blackburn Scholarship Fund Â鶹ÊÓƵ Blankfield Student Scholarship Fund
Maxine H. Blankfield Endowed Scholarship Jewel Dillinger Blanton Memorial Endowment in Communication
Lou Bodell Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Golf Rodney K. Bogan Memorial Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Alicia Christine Bonura Memorial Regents Scholarship in Engineering Lawrence Bonura Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
Margaret R. Bonura Memorial Scholarship in Nursing Jimmy Booker Regents Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
Merle Merritt Booker Scholarship in Art Dr. David L. Bost, Sr. Endowed Scholarship in Guidance and Counseling
Jean R. Bost Scholarship in Biology Donald T. Boumans Memorial Scholarship
Lisa and Allan Bounds Scholarship in Marketing W. W. & Hilma R. Breazeale Scholarship
Jack C. Brock Political Science Scholarship Daniel J. “Danny” Bromley III Memorial Scholarship in Basketball
Ralph and Ruth Brookner Scholarship in Math Edna Brooks Memorial Scholarship in Music
Jack Brooks Scholarship in Government and Public Services Sister Rita Estelle Broussard Endowed Scholarship in Music
Ashley Brown Memorial Regents Scholarship in Soccer Otto Brown Memorial Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Browne-Goodwin Memorial Scholarship in Biology, Chemistry or Physics Juanita Brownlee Memorial Scholarship for Mathematics Teachers
Dr. Melvin F. Brust Scholarship in Accounting Judy Nelson Bryan Endowed Scholarship for Aphasia Research
Gerald “Buck” Buchanan Memorial Scholarship Budwine Family Scholarship in Engineering
W. J. & Lela Budwine Charitable Foundation Scholarship Scot Burmeister Memorial Scholarship
Michael L. Burrow Regents Scholarship in Engineering John P. and Josie Busbee Memorial Scholarship
Coach H. A. Butler Presidential Scholarship Jackie Wayne Byrd Memorial Scholarship


Myra Keen Caldwell and Herbert Kimbell Caldwell Scholarship King A. Campbell Scholarship in Business
Capital One Presidential Scholarship Cardinal Club Endowed Scholarship in Athletics
David L. Cargill Scholarship in Art David Kyle Carlin Memorial Scholarship in Theatre
Mr. Robert Carlin Scholarship in Engineering Dr. Joseph Carlucci Endowed Scholarship in Music
Catherine Hurley Clark Scholarship in Nursing R. Tom Caughlin Presidential Scholarship
Shirley Ceasar and J. C. Hughes, Sr. Scholarship in Communication

Chapman Vending Annual Funded Scholarship

Chartwell's Scholarship in Dietetics

Chartwell's Scholarship in Hospitality Administration
Chartwell's Scholarship in Marketing Dr. Tamerla Chavis Distinguished Alumni Presidential Scholarship in Engineering
Lloyd Cherry Memorial Fund in Engineering Christopher Joel "Chris" Chisholm Fusion of Faith and Nursing Excellence Scholarship
R. B. & Earline Christ Family Presidential Scholarship Rolfe Christopher Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Hsing-wei Chu, Piper Professor, Scholarship in Industrial Engineering Sandra French Clark Scholarship in Choral Music
Dr. John Henrik Clarke Memorial Scholarship Class of 1956 Scholarship
Class of 1957 Scholarship Class of 1958 Scholarship
Henry Clifton Memorial Scholarship Marie Concetta Cloninger Presidential Scholarship in Theatre
Ann Locke Cobb and Charles David Locke Regents Scholarship in Business Shirley Woodell Coffman Scholarship
Jimmie P. Cokinos Endowed Scholarship for Equality in Education Dr. Alan and Julie Coleman First Generation Scholarship
Celia Dominguez Coleman & Gilberto Dominguez Scholarship in Art Education Roy L. Comeaux Memorial Golf Scholarship
C. W. Conn, Sr. Memorial Scholarship in Business Yolanda Lee Conyers NSBE Award
Bernie & Michael Cook Presidential Scholarship in Business Professor James L. Cooke Memorial Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
Daniel Copp Endowed Scholarship in Women’s Golf Dr. Rex L. Cottle Scholarship in Leadership
Gary Counts Memorial Scholarship Fund George Cowart Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Economics
Katrinka Crawford Memorial Scholarship in Women's Volleyball Crawford/Lewis Scholarship in Computer Science
Sterling C. Crim Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics Todd Cross Memorial Scholarship
Anna England Crow Memorial Scholarship in Nursing Professor Floyd Crum Scholarship
Scott Curtis Memorial Scholarship in Athletics Curtiss-Wright Corporation/William B. Mitchell Scholarship in Engineering


Molly J. Dahm, Ph.D. Scholarship in Hospitality Administration Terry Lynn Daniels Memorial Scholarship
Lorene David Scholarship in Art Dr. Jane S. Davidson Endowed Scholarship in Nutrition, Hospitality and Human Services
Michael T. Davis Presidential Scholarship Otho L. Davis Memorial Scholarship in Athletic Training
Roy N. and Leona Stiborik Davis Scholarship Dr. Irving O. Dawson Scholarship in Political Science
Ruth E. and Frederic F. Day Scholarship in the Sciences Tom and Mona Dearing Scholarship
Del Papa Distributing Company College Endowment Delta Tau Delta Scholarship
Vivian Belt Denby Memorial Scholarship in Nursing Homer Dennis Memorial Scholarship in Math
George A. Dishman Sr. Presidential Scholarship Dr. Opal P. Dixon Memorial Scholarship in Education
Dr. Stephen and Suzye Doblin Scholarship in Mathematics and Science Lucille Platt Dollinger Memorial Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Domaschk and Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wheat Endowed Memorial Scholarship Joseph F. Domino Regents Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
Phillip and Karen Drayer Scholarship in Engineering Dreyer Family Scholarship
Dewitt Scott & Joe Thomas Duckworth Memorial Presidential Scholarship in Business Chef Charles Duit Scholarship in Nutrition and Hospitality
Dr. Jerry R. Dunn Regents Scholarship Myrna J. and Milton J. Dunnam Scholarship in Business
DuPont Beaumont Works - Acrylonitrile Business Unit Scholarship Vernon & Johnnie Durden Scholarship
Fred & Marie Duty Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Engineering Byron and Connie Dyer Geosciences Innovation Fund
Dr. Wayne Dyess Memorial Scholarship in Music


Frances Earle Memorial Scholarship Howard and Syble Eastepp Scholarship in Nursing
J. Sam and Dr. Elizabeth Ebanks Scholarship Edmonds Scholarship
Mamie W. and E. G. Edson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship in Music Catherine Edwards and Lum C. Edwards III Memorial Scholarship
Electrical Engineering Alumni Scholarship Dr. M. LeRoy Ellis Memorial Scholarship in French
Elmer E. & Patricia Muldoon Embs Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Endowed Scholarship in Women’s Golf
Englobal Engineering, Inc. Scholarship in Engineering Entergy Texas, Inc. Scholarship in Engineering
Sunny Marie Eppler Memorial Scholarship Lyman C. Wear and Nancy W. Evans Scholarship in Communication
Dr. Samuel L. Evans Memorial Scholarship in History Dr. H. E. and Doris J. Eveland Memorial Regents Scholarship in Geology
Evening Optimist Club of Beaumont Memorial Scholarship Evening Optimist/O.B. Archer Endowed Scholarship
ExxonMobil Foundation Presidential Scholarship


Robert G. and Phyllis C. Finch Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Meredith Kathryn Berryhill Fitzgerald Scholarship in Education
Les Fleming Memorial Athletic Scholarship in Baseball Eva Ford Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Fraternal Order of Eagles--Nederland Chapter Endowed Scholarship Fraternal Order of Eagles--Port Neches Chapter Endowed Scholarship
Paul D. Fregia Scholarship Harold and Eleanor Fritze Scholarship in History
Margie Hartsfield Fuller Scholarship in Education Phillip E. & Cheryl S. Fuller Scholarship in Business
Rebecca Lynn Fussell Regents Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Future of America Scholarship


Gale Foundation Scholarship in Nursing Julian M. Galiano Memorial Scholarship in Communication
H. C. & Willie Mae Galloway Endowed Scholarship in Business Michael Jay Gammill Presidential Scholarship in Business
Calvin Garland Endowed Scholarship Carole and Bob Garner Scholarship in Business
Tommy Jean & Harry Edward Garner Scholarship in Business Harry Launce Garnham Memorial Scholarship
Charles Lewis Garrett and Eleanor Smith Garrett Scholarship in Engineering Garrett Scholars
Mary Jane Garth Regents Scholarship Dr. David G. Gates Scholarship - Industrial Engineering
Dorothy Pierce (Stafford) Geers Memorial Scholarship in Nutrition, Hospitality and Human Services Allison and Michael Getz Scholarship for the Fine Arts
A.L. (Tom) and Nancy Giannopoulos Regents Scholarship in Engineering Theresa and J.C. Giglio Scholarship in Business
Elmer Clayton Gill Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry Jack Gill Presidential Scholarship
Samuel G. Gill Presidential Scholarship Jim Gilligan Scholarship in Baseball
Kip Glasscock Regents Scholarship in Business Lyle and Vivian Godkin Scholarship in Art
Goeckleman Scholarship Fund Tipton and Ann Golias Scholarship
Dr. Charles Gongre Scholarship in English Ruth Kaigler Goode and D. Rex Goode Scholarship in Art
Ruth Kaigler Goode and D. Rex Goode Scholarship in Music Ruth Kaigler Goode and D. Rex Goode Scholarship in Theatre
Charles and Susan Gordon and Julia Gordon Gray Memorial Scholarship Marie E. Gordon Presidential Scholarship in Nursing
H. Stephen Grace, Jr. Presidential Scholarship Bill and Johnnie Grantham Scholarship in Nursing
William E. Grantham Endowed Scholarship in Entrepreneurship John Gray/Babe Zaharias Scholarship in Women's Athletics
Dr. John Ellis Gray Memorial Scholarship in Education John E. Gray Presidential Scholarship
Mary and John Gray Endowed Scholarship Greater Texas Foundation Scholarship
Annie Sue & Richard T. Green Memorial Scholarship in Math Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Greenberg Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Philip B. Greenberg Memorial Scholarship in Pre-Med Jeff & Bruce Greenberg Presidential Scholarship
Natalie A. Greenberg Regents Scholarship in Fine Arts Sigmund S. Greenberg Memorial Scholarship in Psychology
S. L. Greenberg Regents Endowed Scholarship S. L. Greenberg Study Abroad Award College of Business
Arthur Greenspan Scholarship in Accounting Lee G. Griffin Endowed Scholarship in the Visual and Performing Arts
Scott & Patricia Groben Scholarship in Chemistry Gunderson Heritage Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Dr. Howell H. Gwin, Jr. Scholarship in History R. S. Gwynn and Jim Sanderson Scholarship in Creative Writing


Ronald and Anna Lee Haddox Scholarship in Business Hahn Family Scholarship
Chris Hahn Endowed Scholarship Norma S. Hall Memorial Scholarship in Business
Tim Halley Memorial Scholarship Gladys and Bill Hammond Scholarship
Vicki Guarnere Handel Scholarship Tom & Melba Harken Presidential Scholarship
Robert H. Harlow Scholarship in Electrical Engineering Marvin V. Harlow Endowed Scholarship In Engineering
Thelma V. Harlow Endowed Scholarship In Nursing Anne Harmon Scholarship in Chemistry and Biology
Leonard L. Harper, Jr. Memorial Scholarship in Band Dr. Richard C. Harrel Endowed Scholarship
Fred Hartman and John Blair Memorial Scholarship Harold and Ginnie Haunschild Scholarship in Business
Hawthorn Family Scholarship in Accounting Hayes Family Presidential Scholarship
Josephine and Wilbur Hebert Mirabeau Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Wilton P. Hebert Scholarship
Alan R. Hefty Scholarship in Accounting Cherrie McVey Hefty Scholarship in Education
Hermie "Boots" Hefty Scholarship in Nursing Melvin R. Hefty Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Charles Heidrick Endowed Scholarship Jean Allen Helms Scholarship in Theatre
Jeffrey C. and Jennifer L. Hembree Scholarship Elaine Tatom & Hunter W. "Ticket" Henry Scholarship
Lila & Hunter W. Henry, Jr. Scholarship Honoring the Nurses Cardiovascular Recovery Unit at St. David's South Austin Medical Center R. C. "Bobby" & Ramona Hext and Cynthia Hext Fontenot Scholarship
Tillie and Bennie Hickman Presidential Scholarship in Education J. B. Higgins Memorial Scholarship in Athletics
Dr. Jane O. Hinchey Endowed Scholarship in Nutrition, Hospitality and Human Services Stuart Paul Hinchey Memorial Scholarship in Nutrition, Hospitality and Human Services
Dr. George J. Hirasaki Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Dr. Thomas C. Ho Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
John Hodges and Mike Torres Memorial Scholarship I. "Butch" and Anna "2-2" Hoffer Memorial Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Michael W. Hoffman Scholarship in Management Todd and Jennifer Hoffman Scholarship in Business honoring Drs. Robert and Marleen Swerdlow
Michael W. Hoke Memorial Scholarship Ernest Holdredge Memorial Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Belle Mead Holm Memorial Scholarship Oleta Holmes Endowed Regents Scholarship in Choral Studies
Dudley B. and Leta M. Holt Scholarship in Electrical Engineering Holtzclaw Memorial Scholarship
Henry and Juel Homberg Endowed Scholarship in Women’s Golf Frances Jane Carr Homer Memorial Scholarship for the Visually Impaired
Lonnie & Ruth Hood Memorial Scholarship Dr. Jack R. Hopper Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
Gisela R. Houseman Scholarship in Business Tony Houseman Memorial Scholarship
Houston Chapter of the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) Endowed Scholarship Houston GPA Midstream Association Endowed Scholarship
Alan Randall Howard Memorial Scholarship Marie Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Tighe A. Huber Presidential Scholarship in Premedical Studies Roy G. Huckaby Memorial Scholarship in Accountancy and Entrepreneurship
The Ed Hughes Memorial Regents Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. & Patricia B. Hurwitz Presidential Scholarship
Frank Walsh Hustmyre Scholarship in Music


International Maintenance Institute/Sabine Neches Chapter Scholarship in Engineering Bruce C. Irvine Memorial Scholarship in Business
Norma Matlock Irwin Memorial Scholarship Dr. Paul E. Isaac History Award


Gemini Jackson Memorial Scholarship Pat and Ben D. Jackson Scholarship
Tom E. Jackson Memorial Scholarship Lucille Jarisch Endowed Scholarship
Jefferson County Medical Society Alliance Scholarship Jefferson County Medical Society Memorial Merit Scholarship in Pre-Med or Health Sciences
Helen R. Johnsen Regents Scholarship Bettye (White) Johnson and Gene Herbert Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Rothwell Johnson Memorial Scholarship/Colonel George Moffett Chapter, DAR Scholarship in Music Babe Didrikson Zaharias/Margaret and Thad S. Johnson Scholarship in Women's Athletics
Dolores Jones Memorial  Scholarship in Nursing Luanne Turco Jones Scholarship in Business
Tom F. and Ann D. Jones Honors Scholarship Jungen Family Scholarship in Accounting
Junior League of Beaumont Julie Richardson Procter Presidential Scholarship


Hubert Kaszynski Memorial Scholarship in Piano Carolyn J. Keating Scholarship in English
Thomas Joseph "Tom" Keating Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Engineering Charles M. and Nadine Kebodeaux Scholarship in Accounting
Alice Keith Memorial Endowed Fellowship/Scholarship in Fine Arts and Communication C. Robert Kemble Presidential Scholarship
Dr. Hi Kim Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Economics Donna Kirby Memorial Scholarship
Charles R. Knight Scholarship in Earth & Space Sciences Daniel "Dan" Kohlhofer Memorial Scholarship
Anthony Scott Kojak Scholarship in Music Frederick H. Koshkin Presidential Scholarship
Gloria and Joe Koshkin Presidential Scholarship in Special Education J. D. Koshkin Presidential Scholarship in Accounting
Walter J. and Ada B. Kreager Memorial Scholarship Betty Kubala Scholarship in Nursing
Dr. Mark J. Kubala Scholarship William Kuhlke Society of Plastics Engineers, South Texas Section Endowed Scholarship
William F. "Bill" Kunetka Memorial Scholarship in Nursing Mrs. Clyde Wiess Kyle Endowed Scholarship


Ashley LaBiche YMBL Memorial Scholarship Leslie A. Lakie Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Margaret Lumpkin Lakie Scholarship in Mathematics Â鶹ÊÓƵ Distinguished Alumni Presidential Scholarship
Â鶹ÊÓƵ Foundation Scholarship Â鶹ÊÓƵ Pre-Law Scholarship and Texas Tech University Law Scholarship
The Â鶹ÊÓƵ Secretaries Association/Melba Brunow Endowed Scholarship Representative Nick Lampson Scholarship
Archie Land Good Heart Scholarship Gus Landegren Scholarship in Physics
Jacques Landry Presidential Math Scholarship J. A. Landry Scholarship
C. W. Lane Presidential Scholarship Frances Bevil Langston Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Language Scholars Endowed Scholarship in English, French or Spanish Donald and Geraldine Lapham Endowed Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
Clayton & Georgia Lau Presidential Scholarship in Business Georgia Chree Lau Memorial Presidential Scholarship
Lawrence, Blackburn, Meek, Maxey & Co., P.C. Accounting Scholarship L. DeWayne Layfield-Texas State University System Foundation Scholarship
Cam Le and Carla Pulumbarit Scholarship Ralph A. Leaf Presidential Scholarship in Engineering
LeBlanc Family Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts Wea H. and Chin Chin Lee Scholarship in Asian Studies
Rick A. Leedy Memorial Scholarship for Baseball M. L. Lefler, Sr. and Bessie Lefler Memorial Scholarship
A. J. Leger Memorial Scholarship Dolores and Vincent Leone Scholarship in Engineering
Jasper T. Leone Scholarship in Engineering Joan Letulle Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Carl D. Levy Memorial Scholarship in Arts and Sciences Vivian Liddell Scholarship
Michael and Cindy L. Lindsay Scholarship in Audiology Honoring Dr. James Connor Sullivan Audie Nelson Little Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Li-Via Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Charles B. Locke Presidential Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Gloria Swarts Locke and Charles Blakey Locke Regents Scholarship in Theatre Helen Caldwell Locke & Curtis Blakey Locke Regents Memorial Scholarship in Communication
Locke Family Presidential Scholarship for STEM Educators Locke Family Regents Scholarship for the College of Education and Human Development
Locke Family Regents Scholarship in Theatre and Dance Phillip A. and Helen K. Lohec Scholarship
John H. Long Presidential Scholarship Russell J. Long Scholarship in Biology
.Viona E. Long Scholarship in Biology Wilfred H. Long, Jr., and Catherine Long Regent Scholarship in Business Honoring Wilfred H. Long, Sr
Victor L. Lovelady Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Paula & John Lovoi Scholarship in Speech & Language Pathology
LU Black Alumni Network Scholarship Mildred Bland Lucas and Harry Lucas Memorial Scholarship
Don M. Lyle Regents Scholarship in Engineering Maryann Lyle Regents Scholarship in Education


Thomas M. Maes II and Rosalea Maes Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts & Communication Magnolia Garden Club Environmental Studies Scholarship
Carlton Mahlmann Memorial Scholarship in Accounting The James and Sue Mann Fund of the Foundation for Southeast Texas
Stephen Mann Memorial Scholarship in Art John Robert Mansinger Memorial Scholarship
Market Basket Charitable Foundation Scholarship Don C. and Ann Benton Marshall Scholarship Fund
Connie Martin Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Dr. Gabriel A. "Tony" Martin Memorial Scholarship
Becky and Chuck Mason Mirabeau Scholarship Elvis Mason Regents Scholarship in Business
Sarah Sims Matheny Scholarship Dr. Barbara Mathis Vocal Scholarship
Charles R. Matthews Scholarship in Marching Band Dr. Bernard J. Maxum Scholarship
Dr. Charles M. "Mickey" McBride Scholarship Shar Zaloom McCabe Memorial Scholarship
Howard McDaniel Presidential Scholarship Dr. F. L. and Evelyn McDonald Memorial Fund
Kyle Sean McDonald Memorial Scholarship McDonald’s Restaurant Scholarship
Caldwell and Rosine McFaddin Memorial Scholarship James L. C. McFaddin, Jr. Memorial Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
Mamie McFaddin Ward Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts Mamie McFaddin Ward Memorial Scholarship in Health Sciences
Dr. Thomas C. McGill, Jr. Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Susan & Bob McLendon Scholarship in Business
Bob & Susan McLendon Scholarship in Engineering  John J. McManus and Brenda J. Cole Endowed Scholarship in Computer Engineering
John J. McManus, Jr. Scholarship in Engineering McMaster Honors Scholarship Fund
Dr. Floyd and Marie McSpadden Sr. Memorial Scholarship in Pre-Med Patricia and Floyd McSpadden Scholarship in Choral Music
Bessie McVey Scholarship in Education Joseph Marcus Mejia Scholarship for Science and Math Educators
Melody Maids Endowed Scholarship JD and Stella Melonson Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
C. G. Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship Fund Frederick G. Michaelis Scholarship Fund
Lena Triplett Milam Scholarship in Music Milam - Harned - Quilliam Scholarship in Music
J. Neal Miller Aviation and Space Foundation Scholarship Lee S. and Linda C. Miller Scholarship in Choral Performance
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund William Currie Mills Endowed Scholarship in Nutrition, Hospitality and Human Services
J. V. & Gene Minyard Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Miss Mary Alice Memorial Scholarship in Dance
William B. and Mary G. Mitchell Regents Scholarship in Engineering William B. and Mary G. Mitchell Regents Scholarship in Fine Arts
Mixson Family Scholarship in Memory of Jim & Florrie Mixson, Sib Mixson, Max Mixson and Mabyn Mixson McCargo Floyd H. Mize Scholarship in Business
David Foreman Molina Regents Scholarship George Anne and Gene C. Monger in Accounting in Memory of Norma Hall
Oliver P. and Francis K. Monk Memorial Scholarship Vernice Monroe Scholarship in Social Work
Moore Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Chemical Engineering Lin Scroggs Moore Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
Donald E. Morgan Endowed Scholarship Susan M. Morgan Civil Engineering Scholarship
Isabel Stafford Morian Art Award Sam W. and Patsy E. Morphew Scholarship
Joe Ed Morris Memorial Scholarship Nell and Terry Morris Scholarship in Fine Arts
Nena Morris Endowed Scholarship Dewey and Jessie E. Mosby Scholarship
Moss Family Scholarship Motiva Endowed Scholarship
Camille Mouton Scholarship Francis & Marjorie Mouton Memorial Scholarship in Business
Katherine E. and William C. Mundt Student Engineering Fund Bill and Kelly Munro Scholarship
James Bernard Murphy and Anita Murphy Scholarship John Darren Murphy Memorial Scholarship in Psychology
Paul Eric Murray Memorial Scholarship in Engineering


Angie Nall Endowment in Education Otho Plummer/Neches River Festival Memorial Scholarship
Amir and Layla Nejad Scholarship in Civil Engineering Anne Shepherd Nelson Scholarship in Computer Science
Professor Jerry Newman Scholarship in Painting Rabbi Newton J. Friedman Memorial Scholarship in Pre-med
Dr. Hai H. Nguyen Memorial Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Minh-Dang Nguyen Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Larry and Cynthia Norwood Chemical Engineering Scholarship Larry and Cynthia Norwood Scholarship for Student Recruitment in the College of Engineering
Dr. William "Bill" Nylin Scholarship in Computer Science


Earl and Louise O’Dell Memorial Scholarship Fund Thomas H. Odiorne Presidential Scholarship
Gene Ohmstede Endowed Scholarship in Biology Dr. James Rowland Old Memorial Scholarship in Music
The Orange Memorial Hospital Corporation Scholarship Scholarship for Students from Orange County
The Oriska Foundation Scholarship Dr. Raul S. Ornelas Memorial Scholarship in Trumpet
Dr. Jack Orrick Scholarship for Pre-Med Students Hermann Ortega Scholarship in Engineering
Norman and Harold Orton Memorial Scholarship in Math or Engineering Jackson Broocks Osborne Memorial Scholarship
Thomas W. Oszczakiewicz Memorial Scholarship in Electrical Engineering Dr. Donald E. Owen Scholarship in Geology


Tony Paine Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Dr. Sam Frank Parigi Scholarship in Economics
Sam C. Parigi, Sr., Memorial Scholarship Herbert Kinney Parker Family Mirabeau Scholarship

Herbert Kinney Parker Memorial Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

Pat & Melody Parsons Innovation Fund in Business
Charles A. Partin Scholarship in Economics Judy Fleming Partin Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
Connie M. Pate Presidential Memorial Scholarship Gerry E. Pate Scholarship in Civil Engineering
W. L. Pate, Sr./Babe Didrikson Zaharias Foundation Scholarship in Women's Athletics Coach John Payton Scholarship
Roy A. and Marianella Permenter Endowed Scholarship Philippine Association of Beaumont, Texas Presidential Scholarship
Sierra Leigh-Anne Phillips Scholarship in Journalism Clark and Hazel Phippen Scholarship in Women’s Tennis
Floyd and Stella Pipkin Endowed Scholarship John F. Pipkin Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Adonia Placette Scholarship in Theatre Annette Edwards Platt Memorial Scholarship in English
Alan H. Plummer, Jr. Environmental Engineering Scholarship Terri and Lee Potter/American Air Systems, Inc. Scholarship in Business
Karen Powell Memorial Scholarship Press Club of Southeast Texas Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Richard L. Price, I Scholarship in Engineering, Math & Science Richard and Cathy Price Scholarship in Choral Music
PricewaterhouseCoopers Presidential Scholarship PRN Medical Services Scholarship in Nursing
Process Safety Heritage Scholarship in Science and Engineering Doak C. Procter Jr. Memorial Scholarship in Business
Ronald and Anita Proctor Scholarship in Accounting Provost Umphrey 50th Anniversary Presidential Scholarship
Provost & Umphrey Endowed Scholarship in Athletics Laura H. Purkey Memorial Scholarship


Dr. Jed Ramsey Endowed Scholarship in Biology William Michael Randall Scholarship
Viola Raney Memorial Scholarship Albert E. and Gena Reaud Scholarship
Marguerite "Margie" Fanette Reeves Scholarship in Finance Dr. H. B. Renfro Memorial Scholarship in Geology
Rice Family Scholarship in Business Anna Mary Rienstra Memorial Scholarship in Education
Ellen Rienstra Scholarship in Music Yvonne Ritter Scholarship in English & Modern Languages
James and Verna Roach Memorial Scholarship in Industrial and Systems Engineering Romaine Roach Endowed Scholarship
Elmer T. and Maida Lee Robertson Endowed Regents Scholarship in Environmental Engineering Ivan D. Robertson III Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Rosa Jean Tannahill Robertson Scholarship in Nutrition, Hospitality and Human Services The Robins Award for Academic Excellence
Elmer G. Rode, Jr. Presidential Scholarship Noah Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship Fund
Julie and Ben Rogers Women’s Athletic Scholarship Dr. Sol J. and Miriam Rogers Memorial Scholarship
Frank Rollins Memorial Endowed Scholarship Nan Ellen Roscoe Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Helen and Larry Rose Dance Team Scholarship Pearl and Aaron Rose Award
Willa Nelson Ross and Ruby Nelson Shirutis Scholarship in Civil Engineering Jerry Rudd Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Bessie M. Rowe Poetry Award


Sabine Transportation Company Scholarship Juanita Saldaña Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Nick Salem Endowed Scholarship Sales and Marketing Executives of Southeast Texas Endowed Scholarship in Marketing/General Business
Samuel J. Salim, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Lila Maurice Salles Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts & Communication
Gerry D. Sam Memorial Regents Scholarship Lawrence M. and Earleene Dryer Sanders Scholarship
Brian Savoy Family Scholarship Ethel and O.B. Sawyer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Mary L. Scheer and Richard L. Scheer Scholarship in History and Culture Mary Schlesinger Endowed Scholarship
Charles L. Schmucker Endowed Scholarship Dr. Russ and Susan Schultz Presidential Scholarship in Music
Nita Mixon Scott & Edna Taylor Duckworth Presidential Scholarship in Visual and Performing Arts Dr. Peggy S. Scott and Mr. Steve Eric Scott Family Heritage Fine Arts Scholarship
Patricia & George Sculley Scholarship in Business Terri Seales and Robert Strauser Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joe & Gloria Sellers Memorial Scholarship in Music Dr. Richard Setzer Memorial Scholarship in Business
Diane and Don Shaver Master of Science Accounting Scholarship Don S. Shaver Scholarship in Accounting
Diane and Don Shaver Speech and Hearing Sciences Scholarship Curtis and Thelma Shelton Memorial Scholarship 
The Shepherd Scholarship in Music Mary Frances Dishman Sherlock Scholarship in Business
Mary Frances Dishman Sherlock Scholarship in Nursing Jack Shofner Memorial Scholarship in Graphics/Commercial Art
Dr. Richard L. & Lois M. Shorkey Memorial Scholarship in Nursing Dr. James M. Simmons Scholarship in Fine Arts
Smith-Hutson Scholarships Dan F. Smith Regents Scholarship in Engineering
James G. Smith Memorial Scholarship Lynn E. and Laura Lee Smith Scholarship
Marke Armide Smith Memorial Scholarship Ronnie Smith Family Scholarship
Shelby Lynn Smith Memorial Scholarship Dr. T. Mickey Smith Memorial Scholarship in Athletic Training
W. Russell Smith Endowed Scholarship Will L. Smith Memorial Scholarship in Special Education
Zulma Gay Smith Memorial Scholarship in English or Foreign Language H. R. “Bob” Sontag/Goodyear/Junior Achievement Scholarship
South Park Booster Club Endowed Merit Scholarship South Texas Section Society of Plastics Engineers Scholarship
Southeast Texas Human Resources Association Scholarship in Human Resource Management Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Major T. Bell
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Jack Brooks Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring The Honorable Don Burgess
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Dr. Joe Dickerson Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Everett Lord
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Gilbert I. "Buddy" Low Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Dr. George McLaughlin
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Hubert Oxford III Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Carl Parker
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Wayne A. Reaud Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Dr. James M. Simmons
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Ward Stephenson Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Joe H. Tonahill
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring John G. Tucker Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring Walter Umphrey
Southeast Texas Legends Endowed Scholarship Honoring The Honorable Bob Wortham Southeast Texas Medical Associates Foundation Regents Scholarship for Nursing in Pre-Medical Studies
Southeast Texas Section of ISA Scholarship in Engineering Southwestern Bell Scholarship in Business
James J. Spencer Memorial Scholarship Jean L. Spitznagle Scholarship in Human Resources
Dr. Harry Starr Medical Scholarship Fund Robert Stauffer Memorial Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Lucy Ella Stead Memorial Scholarship in Business Mildred Mary (Behrman) and Charles Albert Stead, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Emma Genevieve (De Forest) and Charles Albert Stead, Sr. Memorial Scholarship in Business E.H. Jr./Sr. & B. A. Steinhagen Presidential Scholarship
Janie and Mark Steinhagen Scholarship in Business Stellar Bank Scholarship in Business
Joe Stelly South Park Scholarship Eleanor McIlwain Stevens Memorial Scholarship
The Honorable John B. and Marcia M. Stevens Scholarship Lily and Craig Stevenson Scholarship in Communication Disorders
Stine-Zellner Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering or Spanish Beeman and Nancy Strong Memorial Scholarship
Edward E. Stuckey Scholarship Fund Brian Sumrall Endowed Scholarship in Graphic Design
Dr. Walter Allan Sutton Memorial Scholarship in History Dr. Robert Swerdlow Memorial Scholarship
Jesica and Damien Sykes Scholarship in Speech and Hearing Sciences Symphony League of Beaumont Scholarship in Music
Myrtle and Maurice Synnott Memorial Scholarship


Chase Taylor Memorial Scholarship David G. Taylor Sr. Memorial Scholarship in Business
Floy Taylor Baten Memorial Scholarship Technip Jack and St. Malo Project Scholarship
Tejas Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas Scholarship in History Ty Terrell Scholarship Fund in Track
Texas Gulf Historical Society Charlsie Berly Scholarship Texas Hazardous Waste Management Society Fellowship in Hazardous Waste Studies
Texas Osteopathic Medical Association District XII Scholarship Texas Society of Professional Engineers--Sabine Chapter Scholarship in Engineering
William and Susan Thacker Scholarship Ronald W. Thibodeaux Memorial Scholarship in Construction Management
Dr. George E. Thomas Memorial Scholarship James L. & Sandra J. Thomas Scholarship in Industrial Engineering
LaKisha R. Thomas Memorial Scholarship Eleanor & Douglas Thompson Scholarship in Health Care
Harry L. Thompson Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Bill Thorton and Grace Coffman Scholarship Fund
George B. Tims, Jr. Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Engineering Janice Trammell Scholarship in Communication
Tri-City Corvette Club Scholarship William L. and Bertha H. Trotti Scholarship
Lucy S. Turner Memorial Scholarship in Education Mike and Bette Turner Presidential Scholarship


Walter Umphrey Endowed Scholarship in Environmental Studies


Valero Scholarship in Engineering Edwin E. Vallery Scholarship for Collegiate 100
Edwin E. Vallery Scholarship for Student Members of National Pan-Hellenic Council Edwin E. Vallery Scholarship Fund in Business
Tom Vance Scholarship in Theatre Enrique J. Venta Memorial Scholarship in Accounting
Deanna Vernon Scholarship in Accounting Al Vincent Scholarship for Baseball
Martha and Haldane Vinson Memorial Scholarship


Fred Wachendorfer Memorial Scholarship in Marketing Francis Wagner Memorial Scholarship
Bobby Waldron Memorial Scholarship in Computer Science Clara Elizabeth Beard Walker Memorial Scholarship
William Walker Presidential Scholarship Wade C., Sr., Della H. and Homer L. Walles Scholarship in Business
Homer and Jane Walles Presidential Scholarship R. Joe Ware Presidential Scholarship in Earth and Space Sciences
The Joseph Donald "Trey" Warren, III Regents Scholarship Michael E. Warren Endowed Scholarship in Biology
Water Environment Association of Texas Scholarship Charles A. Watkins Scholarship
Professor Joe Watt Scholarship in Electrical Engineering Lyman C. Wear and Nancy W. Evans Scholarship in Communication
Hope Wilson Weber Scholarship William Patrick Weber Presidential Scholarship
Jane C. Weed Scholarship Gloria Weinbaum Literary Scholarship
Eleanor Perlstein Weinbaum Memorial Scholarship in English and Foreign Languages Virginia D. Weir Memorial Scholarship in History
Janelle and Terry Welch Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Peter Boyd Wells, Jr. Scholarship in History
Bob West/Babe Didrikson Zaharias Scholarship in Athletics Cynthia Booker West Memorial Scholarship in Art
Michael Westbrook Memorial Endowed Scholarship George and Fay Lynn Cruse White and Family Memorial Scholarship
Charles T. Wickersham Family Regents Scholarship in Athletics Charles T. Wickersham Family Regents Scholarship in Business
John and Mary Wilfert Memorial Scholarship Fund Robert H. Wilkerson Memorial Scholarship in Communication
Gladys V. Williams & Anne S. Heifetz Memorial Scholarship Jean and Rudy Williams Scholarship in Music
Mark and Tatia Williams Scholarship for Freshmen Preston Williams/Ralph Wooster Scholarship in History
Hannah Elizabeth Willis Memorial Scholarship Peggy Wilson Memorial Scholarship in Art
Rosine and Will Wilson Endowed Scholarship in Music G. A. Wimberly, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
G. A. Wimberly, Sr. Men’s Basketball Scholarship Parker Windham Memorial Scholarship
Anne Fisher Winslow Award for Skill and Compassion in Nursing Margaret Forry Winslow Nursing Scholarship
F. David Winter, Jr. MD Presidential Scholarship in Pre-Med William Marlin and Merrilee Withers Presidential Scholarship in Business
William Marlin and Merrilee Withers Presidential Scholarship in Education Diane Keating Woodcox Scholarship in English and Modern Languages
Woodcox Family Scholarship in English and Modern Languages Ralph & Edna Wooster Endowed Scholarship in History
Jerry Wright Memorial Scholarship in Accounting


Yaws-Via Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Patsy & Michael Yennie Scholarship in Accounting
YMBL Endowed Scholarship - Masters of Business Administration YMBL/Cardinal Club Scholarship in Athletics
Connie Young Presidential Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering


Victor A. Zaloom Presidential Scholarship in Industrial and Systems Engineering Victor A. Zaloom Leadership in Quality Scholarship
Paul T. Zeek Â鶹ÊÓƵ Student Athletic Trainer Scholarship