Mr. Justin J. McCollum

Mr. Justin J McCollum

General Information

  • Position: Physics Laboratory Coordinator
  • E-mail: jjmccollum@my.lamar.edu
  • Phone: 409-880-8844
  • Fax: 409-880-8245
  • Office: Archer 109


  • M.Sc. Physics, Portland State University
  • B.Sc. Physics, Portland State University

Research Interests

  • Physical Sciences Education
    • Science Education of Special Populations.  In collaboration with Dr. Dorothy Sisk as Conn Chair and Professor for the dept. of Counseling and Special populations the education of special populations in both Astronomy & Physics.
  • Experimental & Applied Physics
    • Advancement of Applied Laboratory Curricula. Organization and development of laboratory experiments include coordination of equipment acquisition, lab curriculum development, research in multifunctional goals of various apparatuses, laboratory modification, and data collection techniques for experimental courses.
    • Laboratory Experiment Development. Development of numerous experimentations coincide with assistance in both computer/software interfacing along with database processing of data collection, error/statistical analysis advancement, data reduction and advancement mathematical strategies for laboratory instruction.
  • Astronomical and Planetary Sciences
    • Comet photometry & morphology. Current analysis of photometry data and morphological studies of comet behavior in future prediction and orbital analysis of such minor planets for better understanding of the primeval periods of the formation of the solar system.

Areas of Teaching

  • Laboratory Physics Courses
  • Introductory Astronomy

Selected Projects

Professor Comet report: A monthly and Bimonthly journal on the collection and study of observational, photometric, photospectroscopic, and spectroscopic data of comets.

Saturday Education for Students: Saturday events for Space & Astronometry education both lecture instruction and experimentation engaging students of public education for various ages.