B.A. Music Business

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Music Business
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Fine Arts core requirements satisfied by MULT 2340

Band majors satisfy physical activity requirements with one semester MULB 1175 or 3175

Required Courses for Major

MUAP 12xx - 8 hours (or more, as needed to attain upper level)

MUAP 32xx - 4 hours

MULB 11xx - 4 hours major ensemble (3 for band majors; one hour counts as physical activity requirement)

MULB 31xx - 2 hours major ensemble

MULT 1208

MULT 1218

MULT 3340

MUSB 1210

MUSB 4310

MUSI 1170

MUSI 1181 - 1 hour, repeated as needed to successfully complete the Piano Proficiency

MUSI 2377

MUTY 1116

MUTY 1117

MUTY 1211

MUTY 1212

MUTY 2116

MUTY 2117

MUTY 2211

MUTY 2212

ACCT 1301

BULW x3xx (Entertainment Law, not yet in course inventory)

ECON 1301

FINC 3310

MGMT 3310

MGMT 3330

MKTG 3310

MKTG 3360

MKTG 4340

Choice one of the following:

- MUTY 3210, 4210, or 4220

Elective Courses


Modern Language course 2312 (or American Sign Language IV - DSDE 4307)

MKTG 4310 (optional)

All students take class piano until they successfully complete the piano proficiency.  Those who choose piano as their major instrument take class voice or secondary instrument until they successfully complete the vocal or instrumental proficiency (depending on emphasis).

No grade lower than a "C" will be used on a music degree.


