January 22, 2020

Wednesday, 01/22/2020
Reaud 202
Submitted By:
Liv Haselbach

Minutes for CID Jan. 23, 2019. Reaud 202 3:30 pm (submitted by Liv 1/25/19)
1. Discussion on input from the CID members to the Strategic Planning process (3:30-4:30pm). Notes were shared with the CID re: Strategic Plan Development. The attendees were Stefan Andrei, Jim Sanderson, Mark Mengerink, Jeremy Alm, Stuart Wright, Ricardo Colon, Larry Allen, Kakoli Bandyopadhyay, Dan Chilek, Debra Troxclair, Liv Haselbach, Brian Craig, Donna Meeks, and Diane Clark. The CID discussed many items that the strategic planning group might consider including in discussions and were forwarded to upper administration.

2. 4:30 -5pm: Discussions on Faculty Evaluations Recap with the newer chairs and Jeremy and Liv.
3. Thank you to Debra for cookies!

Executive Committee 2018/2019
Liv Haselbach Natalie Tindall Jeremy Alm Larry Allen Dan Chilek

Future CID Meetings and Tentative Topics 2018/2019

February 27, 2019
Reaud 202
Kate Downing. Shelly Vitanza. LU Marketing Communications is here to help you tell your story.
March 27, 2019
Reaud 202
Staff compensation, classification, temp. pools, etc. HR representative will attend. Nominations for FY20 Executive Committee and CID President.
April 24, 2019
Reaud 202
Facilitated input for Strategic Plan (Dean Terrebonne, Mike Diamond)). Selection of FY20 Executive Committee and CID President.
Topics for next year possibly: Greg Marsh Institutional Research. Evening/Saturday classes.


Tentative Future CID Meetings and Possible Topics




Tentative Topics

Wed. February 26, 2020


Reaud 202 or 214

Greg Marsh has been invited back to provide additional details on the Key Measure sheet calculations, etc.

Wed. March 25, 2020


Reaud 202 or 214

Possible Short Presentations by the following:

u/g research by Cristian Bahrim (5 minutes)

Cardinal Communities: Celine Hodges (10 Min)

Hiring by Dindy: (30 min)

Wed. April 22, 2020


Reaud 202 or 214

Set Executive Committee for 2020/21

?? Wed. May 27, 2020


Reaud 202 or 214


CC to all CID members and President Evans, Provost NIchols.

Respectfully submitted by Liv Haselbach 23 January 2020.