Faculty Performance Appeals Committee

Meeting Minutes

Year 2024

Charge: The Faculty Performance Appeals Committee shall advise the President on faculty appeals regarding performance evaluations and salary merit increases unresolved at the departmental and college levels. Additionally, they address issues concerning promotion policies and guidelines directed by departmental, college, and university personnel committees. The Committee acts as an appellate body for promotion recommendations made by the Provost.

Membership & Reporting: The Committee shall consist of a full-time faculty member from each college (two from Arts and Sciences) and the library, along with the Faculty Senate president (or designee), the CID president (or designee), and a Dean. The Dean, appointed by the President, will chair the Committee. Faculty members shall be elected by and from the full-time faculty. Faculty Senators/Deans conduct election for faculty members. No member who participated in an appealed evaluation or recommendation may serve or vote.

Committee Members

TBD (Dean, Chair) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
TBD (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Pat Heintzelman (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
Minkyum Kin (Business) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Daryl Ann Borel (Education and Human Development) FALL 2024-SUM 2027
Xuenjun Fan (Engineering) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
O'brien Stanley (Fine Arts and Communication) FALL 2022-SUM 2025
Poornima Gunasekaran (Library) FALL 2023-SUM 2026
Cheng-Hsien Lin (President Faculty Senate) FALL 2024-SUM 2025
Jill Killough (President CID) FALL 2025-SUM 2025