Construction Management

Location: 231 Galloway Business Building, Phone: (409) 880-7558
Director: Dr. Steven W. McCrary, Email: construction@lamar.edu

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Science in Construction Management - 120 hrs

ACCE LogoThe construction management degree is accredited by the (ACCE). ACCE is recognized by the (CHEA) as the accrediting agency for four-year baccalaureate degree programs in construction, construction science, construction management, and construction technology.

About the Program

The Reese Construction Management Program was established in 2008 through the generous support of the Jerry and Sheila Reese family. Since its inception, the goal of the program is to meet the needs of the construction industry is Southeast Texas.

The Reese Construction Management (CM) Program reports to the dean of the College of Business. To meet the challenges of the construction profession, the Reese Construction Management Program provides diverse educational opportunities both in business management and in the processes of construction techniques and construction management, including safety, materials and methods, surveying, project management and control, electrical and mechanical systems, legal issues, and estimating and scheduling. The program provides vital lessons through valuable "hands-on" experiences gained both in the classroom and in the internship program. In addition, students receive a generous dose of quantitative, written, and oral communication and scientific activities designed to provide sound educational support for practical and theoretical insights.

Program Outcomes

Students who graduate from the Reese Construction Management Program should be able to do the following: (1) Make ethical, critically informed decisions. (2) Provide effective written communication to a diversity of audiences. (3) Demonstrate various skills in team-based performance situations, such as leadership and oral communication. (4) Demonstrate an entry-level ability to determine appropriate methods and proper sequence on real construction projects. (5) Demonstrate an entry-level ability to determine and mitigate site safety hazards on real construction projects.

Academic Policies for Reese Construction Management Program

Undergraduate Entrance Requirements

The entrance requirements from high school for the construction management degree program are: English: 4 units; Mathematics: Algebra - 2 units, Geometry - 1 unit, Pre-calculus or Trigonometry - 1 unit; Natural Sciences: Chemistry - 1 unit, Physics - 1 unit.

Students who meet the general entrance requirements of the university, but lack in specific requirements for the construction management curricula may enroll in the program; however, all deficiencies must be removed before the end of the second academic year. Students having entrance deficiencies or weaknesses are urged to use the summer terms preceding the freshman year in college to remove them.

Other Academic Policies

In addition to the university's academic policies, the program enforces the following standards:

  1. Students are required to take courses in the numeric sequence generally shown in the University Catalog for the CM program and in the order approved in the CM Program of Study, available in the CM office.
  2. GPA requirement: Students are expected to maintain a 2.0 GPA both in the overall degree plan and in major courses.
  3. Degree credit: For all CMGT courses, degree credit is allowed only for courses in which a grade of "C" or better is earned. For MATH 2312, all PHYS courses, CHEM 1311, and all College of Business courses, degree credit is allowed only for courses in which a grade of "C" or better is earned.
  4. Provisional CM and Professional CM Major Status: When first admitted to the program, students are admitted with "Provisional CM" status, precluding students from taking CMGT 4000-level courses. In order to progress to "Professional CM" status in the construction management program, students must complete 51 hours of required courses in both the first and second year of the Reese Construction Management Program, with a 2.0 GPA overall and in major courses. Transfer students may meet this requirement using transfer courses.
  5. Prior to taking the Construction Internship, students must complete internship training offered by the Career and Testing Center.
  6. The student's advisor must approve all electives.

Minor in Construction Management

A minor in construction management requires a minimum of 19 hours and a maximum 24 hours of CMGT courses, as listed below.

  1. Complete any six hours from the following: CMGT 1310(3), 1320(3), 2310(3);
  2. Complete CMGT 2420(4);
  3. Complete CMGT 3320(3);
  4. Complete CMGT 3370(3); and
  5. Complete any three hours from the following to bring the total to at least 19 hours: 4100(1), 4310(3), 4350(3), 4420(4).


Entering freshmen and new transfer students are considered "Provisional CM" majors. Academic advisement for "Provisional CM" majors occurs in the Advising Center. Academic advisement for "Professional CM" majors occurs in the CM Program Office, located inside the Galloway Business Building, Room 231.


The program is also supported by the following endowed scholarships: The Francis & Marjorie Mouton Scholarship in Construction Management, The Ronald W. Thibodeaux Memorial Scholarship in Construction Management, and The William Clay Crawford Regents Scholarship in Construction Management. Other scholarships may be available as well. Application forms and information are available in the CM Program Office, located inside the Galloway Business Building, Room 231.