M.P.A. - Public Adminisration

Fall 2014

Degree: Master of Public Administration
Major: Public Administration
Concentration: None

Required Courses for Major

Core Courses:

  • POLS 5350-Administrative Theory (3 hours)
  • POLS 5351-Human Resource Management (3 hours)
  • POLS 5352-Fiscal Administration (3 hours)
  • POLS 5353-Public Policy Formulation (3 hours)
  • POLS 5355-Research Methods (3 hours)

Elective Courses

POLS 5354-Special Topics in Public Administration (9 hours total)

Approved Electives (12 hours total, to be approved by the M.P.A. Director)



Students will complete the following courses if they have not taken them, or their

equivalents, as undergraduates. When available, a graduate equivalent can be

taken to satisfy this requirement.

  • American Government (3-6 hours)
  • Introduction to Public Administration (3 hours)
  • Urban Politics (3 hours)

Additional Degree Requirements:

semester to be awarded the degree. Written examinations will consist of questions from each of the three members of the student’s examination committee. The oral examination will be conducted after submission of the written examination and will include each of the members of the student’s

  • Statistics for Social Scientists (3 hours)

