
Dr. Cristian Bahrim
Professor, Physics

Cristian Bahrim

For the entirety of Dr. Bahrim's works, please view his Curriculum Vitae.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications between 2001 - 2021

  • C. Bahrim, R. Bharadwaj, and N. Azam, "Locking a laser beam on dipoles of a dielectric surface," in Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021, C. Mazzali, T. (T.-C.) Poon, R. Averitt, and R. Kaindl, eds., Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), ISBN: 978-1-55752-308-2, paper JTh5A.123.
  • Cristian Bahrim, "Optical Quantum Bits Locked on Dielectric Surface," paper JW6A.14 published in Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, B. Lee, C. Mazzali, K. Corwin, and R. Jason Jones, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020). ISBN: 978-1-943580-80-4.
  • Karishma Piler, Cristian Bahrim, Sylvestre Twagirayezu, and Tracy Benson, “Lattice Disorders of TiO2 and their significance in the photocatalytic conversion of CO2”, chapter in the book - Advances in Catalysis, vol. 66, pages 109-231, 2020, Chunshan Song, ed., Academic Press. Elsevier, ISSN 0360-0564.
  • Bahrim, C., Raju, M., Khairuzzaman, M., Hsu, W., Lanning, R., and Duplan, D., “A New Optoelectronic Switch: The Dielectric of a Capacitor Illuminated with a Laser Radiation”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2, pp. 1105-1112 (2014).
  • Doerschuk, P., Bahrim, C., Daniel, J., Kruger, J., Mann, J., and Martin, C., " An Award Winning Program for Increasing Participation in STEM," Proceeding of the 44st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2014, pp. 2270-2277. (A peer reviewed international conference paper).
  • Matsukuma H., Tanaka H., Takaie Y., Shikama T., Bahrim C., and Hasuo M., “Perturber dependence of Disalignment Cross Sections of the Argon 2p2 Atoms Measured at Temperatures between 77 and 295 K”, Journal of Physical Society of Japan 81, art#114302 (2012).
  • Bahrim C., and Nelson C., “Simultaneous electromagnetically induced transparency for two circularly polarized lasers coupled to the same linearly polarized laser in a four-level atomic system in the W scheme”, Physical Review A 83, art#033804 (2011).
  • Pepper K., Tadmor R., and Bahrim C., “Interfacial tension and spreading coefficient of thin films: review and future directions”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 25, pp. 1379-1391 (2011).
  • Doerschuk, P., Bahrim, C., Daniel, J., Kruger, J., Mann, J., and Martin, C., "STAIRSTEP: An interdisciplinary program for retention and outreach in STEM," Proceeding of the 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2011, pp.F4H-1 to F4H-6, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2011.6142757 (A peer reviewed international conference paper).
  • Matsukuma H., Bahrim C., Shikama T., and Hasuo M., “Depolarization of emission lines from polarized neon 2p10 atoms due to radiation re-absorption in glow discharge plasma”, Euro-physics Conference Abstracts vol. 34A (ISBN 2-914771-62-2) of 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (Dublin, Ireland 2010) paper P4.408 (4 pages) (see http://ocs.ciemat.es/EPS2010PAP/pdf/P4.408.pdf)
  • Khadilkar V., and Bahrim C, “Disorientation of Ne*(2pi ;J =1) atoms due to He atom collisions in glow discharges at 10 K <T < 3000 K”, Journal of Physics B 43, art# 235209 (2010).
  • Prigmore, J., Tcheslavski, G., and Bahrim, C., "An IGCT-based Electronic Circuit Breaker Design for a 12.47kv distribution system," Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010 IEEE , pp.1-5 (5 pages) doi: 10.1109/PES.2010.5588055 (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articledetails.jsp?arnumber=5588055)
  • Bahrim C, and Khadilkar V., “Alignment relaxation of Ne*(2pi [J=1]) atoms induced by collisions with He(1s2) atoms in discharges at temperatures from 10 to 3000 K”, Physical Review A 79, art# 042715 (2009).
  • Bahrim C., and Hsu W.-T., “Precise measurement of the refractive indices for dielectrics using an improved Brewster angle method”, American Journal of Physics, 77 (4), pp. 337-343 (2009).
  • Matsukuma H., Bahrim C., and Hasuo M., “Depolarization of excited Ne* (2p53p; J=1) atoms due to He atom collisions”, Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 8, pp. 169-173 (2009).
  • Hsu W.-T. and Bahrim C., “Accurate measurements of refractive indices for dielectrics in an undergraduate optics laboratory for science and engineering students”, European Journal of Physics 30, pp. 1325-1336 (2009).
  • Doerschuk, P.; Bahrim, C.; Daniel, J.; Kruger, J.; Mann, J.; Martin, C., "Work in progress - STAIRSTEP - a program for expanding the student pipeline,” Proceeding of the 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2009, M3F1-2, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2009.5350566.
  • Bahrim C., Khadilkar V., Matsukuma H., and Hasuo M., “Alignment relaxation of Ne* (2pi [J=1]) atoms in He-Ne* glow discharges”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, art# 092004 (2009).
  • Bahrim C, and Khadilkar V., “Depolarization of Ne*(2p2) atoms induced by isotropic collisions with He(1s2) atoms at temperatures between 10K and 1000K”, Journal of Physics B 41, art# 035203 (2008).
  • Bahrim C, and Hunt J.F., “Infrared spectroscopy for the identification of modes of vibration in a temporary HeNe molecule”, Journal of Physics B 39, pp. 4683-4700 (2006).
  • Seo M., Shimamura T., Hasuo M., Bahrim C., and Fujimoto T., “Disalignment rate coefficient of Ne excited atoms due to He atoms collisions at low T”, Journal of Physics B 36, pp. 1885-1898 (2003).
  • Bahrim C., Thumm U., Khuskivadze A.A. and Fabrikant I.I., “Near-threshold photo-detachment of heavy alkali-metal anions.”, Physical Review A 66, art# 052712 (2002).
  • Bahrim C., Fabrikant I.I. and Thumm U., “Boundary Conditions for the Pauli Equation: Application to Photodetachment of Cs-.“, Physical Review Letters 87, 123003 (2001); 88, art# 109904 (2002).
  • Bahrim C. and Thumm U., “Angle-differential and momentum-transfer cross sections in e- + Rb, Cs, and Fr collisions at low energies. 3Fo shape resonances in Rb-, Cs- and Fr- ions.”, Physical Review A 64, art# 022716 (2001).
  • Bahrim C., Thumm U., and Fabrikant I.I., “3Se and 1So scattering lengths for e- + Rb, Cs and Fr collisions.“, Journal of Physics B 34, pp. L195-L201 (2001).
  • Bahrim C., Thumm U. and Fabrikant I.I., “Negative ion resonances in cross sections for slow electronheavy alkali atom scattering.”, Physical Review A 63, 042710 (2001).
  • Bahrim C., and Thumm U., “Low-lying 3Po and 3Se states of Rb-, Cs- and Fr-”, Physical Review A 61, art# 022722 (2000).
  • Bahrim C., Hennecart D., Kucal H. and Masnou-Seeuws F., “Longitudinal alignment transfer between fine structure levels in Ne*(2p53p) + He collisions. Comparison between cell experiments and quantum calculations”, Journal of Physics B 32, pp. 3091-3105 (1999).
  • Bahrim C., Kucal H. and Masnou-Seeuws F., “Absolute cross-sections and polarization effects in Ne(2p53p) – He collisions; a detailed comparison between theory and experiment”, Physical Review A 56 (2), pp. 1305-1319 (1997).
  • Bahrim C., Kucal H., Dulieu O. and Masnou-Seeuws F., “Quantal calculations for alignment relaxation in Ne*(2p53p) + He collisions”, Journal of Physics B 30, pp. L797-L804 (1997).
  • Bahrim B., Bahrim C., Schneider I.F. and Mihailescu I.N., “TE-CO2 laser-produced recombination plasma on cadmium samples; experiment and theoretical evaluations”, Laser Physics 4 (1), pp. 41-43 (1993).
  • Schneider I.F., Bahrim C., Berbece D., Mihailescu I., Vasilescu C., “Evaluation of the Population densities of the Energy Levels in Aluminum (AlI, AlII) and Cadmium (CdII, CdIII) Plasmas at L.T.E.”, Revue Roumaine de Physique 36 (10), pp. 849-854 (1991).