The ProCard is to be used for University purchases only. Because the obligations incurred through use of the card are liabilities of the State of Texas, use of the card for purchase of personal items will be considered misappropriation of State funds, which could carry criminal penalties. All purchases must comply with all state and federal guidelines applicable to the account being charged with the purchase.
The ProCard is intended to complement the existing University purchasing process.
Each ProCard is issued to a specific individual rather than to an office/site. Only the individual whose name is on the card or those given authorization by that individual may use the card.
Specifications limiting individual and cumulative purchase amounts are registered with the ProCard provider. Purchases exceeding those limits will not be honored.
- Single Purchase Limit, $499
- The monthly spending limit per card will be evaluated by the Procurement Card Administrator semi-annually, or upon cardholders’ written request for adjustment with justification.
When an item exceeds the limit of the ProCard, splitting the invoice is not permitted. This includes splitting invoices between departments. Splitting of purchases which exceed the single purchase limits so that the card may be used may result in loss of card privileges.
The billing cycle is monthly. Monthly activity reports are mailed to the account managers of the accounts involved on a monthly basis. The cardholder may also register online to print monthly statements and view activity.
The University is financially liable for the card. In the event a card is lost or stolen and subsequently used, the University may be liable for up to $500 for such uses unless the provider is notified of the loss or theft. Therefore, lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately to the Program Administrator and Citibank so that proper notification can be made. Contact names and telephone numbers are listed in below.
Phone Numbers and Contacts
- Â鶹ÊÓƵ ProCard Administrators
- Primary Contact
Marc Paine CTCD
Card Services Manager
(409) 880-1783
- Secondary Contact
Jody Thousand
Director, Payment Services
(409) 880-8382
- Citibank Customer Support:
- For Lost or Stolen Cards:
Citibank 1-800-248-4553
Â鶹ÊÓƵ (409) 880-1783
- Card Activation:
Citibank 1-800-248-4553
- For Disputed Charges:
Citibank: 1-800-248-4553
- To report fraudulent use or misapplication of the card, notify program administrator and the Internal Audit department.
Marc Paine - (409) 880-1783 Ramona Stricklan - (409) 880-1766
Primary | Program Administrator Director of Internal Audit
- Website for program guidelines:
Because funds in a fiscal year may not be used to pay obligations from a prior year, a calculation of ProCard obligations at the end of the fiscal year will be made and the amount accrued as a liability in the accounts of cardholders.
The ProCard is a very useful tool for the responsible account manager. However, it is also a tool which may be easily abused. To insure that the availability of the card to the University is not threatened by misuse, monitoring of activity will be regular and firm steps will be taken to deal with those who do not follow proper procedures. The University has implemented a “THREE STRIKES” policy where cardholders will lose their card after the incidents of card misuse. Under certain circumstances, cards may be revoked after fewer than “THREE STRIKES”. Loss of card privileges will result if account managers do not use the ProCard responsibly.
ProCard Procedures
The purpose of the program is to provide state agencies a more efficient method of making small dollar purchases. The ProCard system should result in an increase in savings and provide other cost reductions to this agency by eliminating many of the necessary steps now required to make such purchases. The following policies and procedures must be followed when utilizing the ProCard.
- Obtaining a ProCard
- Prospective Cardholder: Contact the Program Administrator to determine how you will fit into the hierarchy/organizational structure of the credit card program.
- Department Head: Request and complete a ProCard Request Form and forward to the Primary Administrator.
- All Cardholders: Schedule and attend training class on ProCard use which will be taught by the Program Administrator.
- Program Administrator Duties and Responsibilities
- Disseminating Information - The Program Administrator is responsible for disseminating card information.
- Training - The Program Administrator is responsible for training all cardholders in the proper use and care of the credit card after receipt.
- Credit Card Retrieval - In the event a cardholder resigns or terminates from the agency, the Program Administrator is responsible for providing and assisting the cardholder with the completion of the proper forms for returning the credit card to the Program Administrator.
- Fraudulent Use or Misapplication of the Credit Card - In the event a cardholder has used the card fraudulently, the Department head is responsible for notifying the Primary Administrator who will take necessary steps to act on the The Department head must also notify the Internal Audit Department.
- Payments - The Program Administrator will review and approve payments.
- Cardholder Duties and Responsibilities Include
- Maintain Cards in Secured Location - Cardholders are responsible for ensuring cards are maintained on Â鶹ÊÓƵ property and kept in a secure (locked) area when not in
- Fraudulent use or misapplication of the ProCard - Cardholders are responsible for reporting immediately to the Primary Administrator and Internal Audit Department any fraudulent use or misapplication of the
- Credit Card Dispute Resolution - Cardholders are responsible for immediately investigating any disputed charges. Contact the Primary Administrator for specific instructions.
- Lost or Stolen Credit Cards - Cardholders are responsible for immediately notifying the Primary Administrator and Citibank if a card is lost or
- Purchase Limits - Cardholders are responsible and accountable for adherence to the established per purchase and per billing cycle (monthly) limits set for their
- Authorized Use - Cardholders are responsible for ensuring the appropriate person signs for credit card Only the individual whose name is on the card may use the card unless the cardholder has granted their permission to another person.
- Receipt of Merchandise - Cardholders are accountable for the physical receipt of the
- Return of Merchandise - In case of returns, cardholders are responsible for coordinating returns directly with the
- Change of Employment Status - Cardholders are responsible for immediately notifying the Program Administrator if their employment status changes in any
- State of Texas Sales Tax - The cardholder is responsible to verify that no sales taxes are charged on purchases made in the state of Texas with the ProCard. The cardholder should contact the Program Administrator with the vendor name and address for a Sales Tax Exemption
- Expense Report – Each cardholder is responsible for completing an expense report by the 15th of each month within Chrome River. The Program Administrator will review expense reports for compliance with policy and to reconcile with the monthly billing Expense report instructions are included in a separate handout.