ProCard Expense Report

Chrome River Expense Report For ProCard Charges


  1. The ProCard credit card charges will automatically upload from Citibank into the card owner’s Chrome River eWallet. It is then the responsibility of the card owner to create a monthly Expense Report containing those charges and their corresponding receipt. Because the receipts are to be added to the Expense Report, the receipts should be scanned to a “ProCard Receipt” folder on your computer or added to the Receipt Gallery of the card owner’s Chrome River eWallet. It is important to remember that if you as the card owner’s “Delegate” are completing the Expense Report, you must be the card owner “user”. You become the card owner “user” by clicking on the down arrow next to your name at the top right of your Chrome River page, click on “Select Another User”, type the card owner’s name, and then click on their name. You are now creating an Expense Report as the card owner and the credit card charges should appear in the eWallet.


screenshotscreenshot 2



  1. To create the monthly Expense Report, log into Chrome River and choose “  Create” on the Expenses heading. (Remember to change users if you are the “delegate” and not the card owner).






  1. Next you will enter the initial report information.
    1. Enter the “Report Name” as “ProCard Pmt XXX 202X” (exactly as typed, using the first 3 letters of the month charges and the 4-digit year).
    2. Click the drop-down arrow for Report Type and choose Pro Card.
    3. Business Purpose is “ProCard STMT XXX 202X” (exactly as typed, using the first 3 letters of the statement date and the 4-digit year).
    4. Start date will always be the 1st of the previous month of the credit card statement OR the earliest prior transaction date. Always check your statement before you set the date of your expense report.
    5. End date will always be the 3rd of the ending month of the credit card statement.
    6. Fiscal Year = current Fiscal Year.
    7. Click “Save” in top righthand corner.



  1. Add Expenses. Click on “Credit Card”.

  2. You will see a list of credit card charges. They may be sorted by Oldest, Newest, Amounts, etc. Click the box on the right-hand side for each charge to be added to the Expense Report. This may be done one charge at a time or a group at a time. After clicking on each charge, click on the “Add” button at the top right. (Credits may be added here too: see end of instructions).



  1. This screen will appear for the charge. Go to “Expense Account Code” to enter the Account Code. You can search by code name if needed.


  1. If it is a Food purchase, you must check the box next to “Requires Assoc Vice President for Finance Review and Approval” and in the “Description” box you must provide the “5 W’s” (Who, What, Where, When and Why).



  1. Scroll down to the “Allocation” and enter the “INDEX” used for the charge.


  1. Scroll to bottom and click on “Add Attachments” to attach the receipt for the purchase.


  1. Click on “From Receipt Gallery” if receipts have been uploaded to the eWallet Receipt Gallery. Click on “Upload Attachments” if they are uploaded on your computer.



  1. Once the receipt is attached, click on “Save” at the top, right.


  1. Because there is more than one charge, the screen you will see after hitting Save will be the screen below. You will click on the “P CARD CHARGES” box.


  2. Do the same as above: Choose the “Expense Account Code” for this second charge, enter the “Description”, the Allocation (Index), add attachment (receipt) and “Save”.


  1. After credit card charges and receipts have been entered, “Submit” your report.


  2. You will be asked to confirm submission. Hit “Submit”.


  1. If a ProCard Owner has a “delegate” complete the report for them, the Owner will receive an email indicating they must approve the report. Then, the report will be approved by the ProCard Administrator. If information is needed, the report may be returned to the ProCard Owner asking for what is needed. The Owner will provide what is needed and “Submit” again. Once the ProCard Administrator approves the Expense Report, the charges will appear in the corresponding budgets.



If you have a credit on your statement, you will see the credit in the Chrome River eWallet Credit Card Items. You will click on the box and “Add”.


Click on the Question mark  “Select Valid Expense Type”. Click on P CARD CHARGES.

valid type            

Then you will enter the Expense Account Code, Description, and Allocation.



The Credits will now appear on the report.


