Texas Academy students enjoy access to the complete offerings of a major university — seminars, distinguished lecturers, forums in the fine arts and the humanities, research and lab facilities, professional societies and mentors. Students enjoy a full calendar of cultural and social events that include prom, recitals, concerts, plays, cultural celebrations, homecoming, research conferences and sporting events. Texas Academy students may participate fully in Â鶹ÊÓƵ campus activities (except Greek life and NCAA Sports), through campus-wide student organizations, university newspaper, band, cheer, choir, dance, theatre, orientation leadership, academy-exclusive clubs and other student leadership opportunities.
To support the development of its students, Texas Academy offers a variety of extracurricular activities designed to fulfill current students’ interests and goals. All officers in Texas Academy organizations must be in good standing and earn and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Texas Academy students also have the opportunity to further their leadership skills by organizing and operating their own special interest clubs and organizations.
Clubs provide both social interaction, service opportunities, and contribute to the overall student experience, therefore are expected to join a minimum of one Academy club, and one university organization.
The membership fee for each Academy club is $20 (your first club fee is covered in your Student Activity Fee), with the exception of Model UN which requires a $50 fee to cover competition registration.
Members will need to attend each club meeting, participate in various activites, and actively contribute to the club.
In the Texas Academy Art Club, you can hone your art skills, learn new techniques, and meet people who share your interests!
During the school year, we plan to:
Red Robotics is sponsored by the College of Engineering with the assistance of the Texas Academy Administration.
VEX competitions are highly engaging and hands-on. Participants get to work with real-world technology, which sparks their interest in STEM fields. When students see the practical applications of science and technology, they are more likely to develop a passion for these subjects.
The 2024 RED Robotics teams competed in the VEX Robotics Texas Region 3 Championship, and one of our teams qualified for the World Championship.
The Texas Academy Peer Mentor (PM) Program was developed and designed in the hopes of creating a natural peer to peer leadership program and fostering an environment of inclusion and sense of community. PM’s are not only expected to be a leader amongst their peers but to be an example and a face for the Texas Academy Program. PM's are expected to encourage positive behaviors and serve as a positive role model for all students.
When selecting the Lead and Peer Mentors, we seek students who are enthusiastic, maintain positive attitudes, are active within the academy, and are always the first ones to jump in and lend a helping hand.
Our Texas Academy Peer Mentors and Lead are expected to uphold to the following expectations:
Lead’s and Peer Mentors will sign a non-disclosure agreement when selected for the role. This states that you will not discuss private matters with any other students. There may be times when information must be shared with Texas Academy administrators on behalf of the students’ safety, this is allowable and will be held confidential.
If you have any issues meeting the above expectations, please discuss your concerns with your Peer Mentor Lead and Advisor. Students that do not adhere to the above expectations will be removed from their role immediately. Additional disciplinary actions may follow.
PM Lead Overview
The Texas Academy Peer Mentor Program will have a Lead each academic year. The Lead along with all Peer Mentors are selected by Texas Academy staff. In addition to portraying characteristics and the expectations of a PM, the PM Lead is required to lead by example and to be available to assist the Texas Academy program as needed through direct interaction with his/her fellow peers, Class Presidents, and TA Administrators.
Responsibilities of a Lead:
PM Overview
Texas Academy Peer Mentors serve as the primary point of contact for new and incoming students, helping them navigate college life for the first time. Whether offering a listening ear, being a friend, or serving as a role model, the role is to provide guidance and support.
Peer Mentors will help coordinate and facilitate monthly activities planned with or by the Lead and Class Presidents. Additionally, the PMs are responsible for sharing important information with students to keep them informed and engaged.
Any member who, receives any disciplinary action, or does not perform their duties shall be released and replaced, if needed, by the Texas Academy administration at any time. It is a privilege to be elected to serve the student body in the Texas Academy.
The Texas Academy Class President’s serve as a model for leadership training and a key element in community building.
The Texas Academy Class President’s will serve the students of the academy by:
Note: All positions are not confined to the responsibilities listed herein and may encompass additional duties and initiatives as needed to advance the mission and respond to the dynamic needs of the student body.
Election Rules:
Senior Class President: The election for this position will be held during the spring semester for juniors only.
Junior Class President: The election for this position will be in October for Juniors only.
Note: In the event that a class officer is removed from his/her role, the opponent with the highest number of votes will take their place. If necessary, a runoff election may be held.
Texas Academy Class Presidents and Peer Mentor Lead will meet a minimum of once per month to create upcoming Community Meeting agendas and submit the information to TA Administrators for approval. All members must be in good standing and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Any member who consistently misses meetings, receives any disciplinary action, or does not perform their duties shall be released and replaced, if needed, by the Texas Academy administration at any time. It is a privilege to be elected to serve the student body in the Texas Academy.
The goal of the Texas Academy Honor Society chapter is to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers, and the community. Our chapter will strive to give practical meaning to the Society’s standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four ideals are considered as the basis for selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The Texas Academy Honor Society strives to recognize the total student—one who excels in all these areas.
To qualify, TA junior level students must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and have completed at least 18 service hours in the fall semester, and 18 completed for spring before selections are made in March. They may also have completed all required hours in the fall term. Students may not have any occurrences for the current academic year in which they are applying, and they may not have any incidents or infractions on their record for any year enrolled in the academy.
TAHS applications will open in November of each fall term and will close the Sunday before the spring semester begins. All selections will be made by the middle of February.
TAHS President Role:
President: Responsible for setting up regular group meetings and communicating with the advisor on meeting overviews and upcoming volunteer work. President will also serve on the TA Advisory Council once formed.
TAHS Expectations:
TAHS students must maintain a 3.5 semester and overall GPA and complete 18 service hours a semester, or 36 during the first semester. If a student receives any disciplinary action, they are immediately subject to review for continuation in TAHS. The selected events will be exclusive to TAHS members only for volunteering. These include Honors Scholars Day, Paneling at Preview Days, Spindletop Events with Welcome Center, working the booth at Cardinal View, Texas Academy Graduate Luncheon, and Graduation.
TAHS members are expected to participate at the TAHS induction ceremony where they may be asked to speak to one of the pillars, open and/or close, hand off certificates to new members, and serve as greeters.
TAHS members will receive a certificate when inducted and a stole as a senior for graduation.